Monday, September 30, 2019

Catechol Oxidase Lab

Catechol oxidase is an enzyme that speeds up the oxidation reaction when catechol is exposed to oxygen. When the reaction occurs, benzoquinone is produced turning the oxidized substance brown. It was hypothesized that the higher the concentration of catechol oxidase, the browner the substance will turn, and the faster it will achieve the color. In the present lab, different concentrations of catechol oxidase were mixed with pure catechol and the rate at which each solution browned was measured using a colorimeter.The results showed that the solution with the high concentration of catechol oxidase had the fastest rate at which it turned brown. However, it did not turn the brownest, the solution with the medium concentration of enzyme did. These results show that our hypothesis was both supported and not supported and it was concluded that increase in catechol oxidase concentration increases rate of turning brown but does not increase the level of brownness a substance becomes.Introduc tionHave you ever wondered why the inside of your apple turns brown if you leave it on the counter after taking a bite? This is because there is a compound within the apple called catechol which, when exposed to the air, becomes oxidized by the oxygen in the air and produces benzoquinone, which makes the apple appear brown (Andrew Clapper’s Online Journal, 2007). This chemical reaction is catalyzed by the enzyme catechol oxidase (Figure A.1). Enzymes are proteins in cells that speed up chemical reactions (Enzyme Procedure Guide, 2013). The catechol oxidase lowers the amount of energy needed in order for the catechol to be oxidized, which speeds the process up.Fig. A.1: The oxidation process of catechol with the help of catechol oxidase produces benzoquinone. (Enzyme Procedure PowerPoint, 2013)If you frequently eat apples you may have also noticed that different types apples brown at different rates. This is because each kind of apple has a different concentration of catechol oxidase (Daniela Finkel, 2013). Therefore, each apple has a unique speed at which it will produce benzoquinone, and turn brown.This experiment was designed to investigate the following hypothesis: The higher the concentration of catechol oxidase, the browner the substance will be, and the faster it will achieve the color (Enzyme Procedure Guide, 2013).Within the experiment, pure catechol was mixed with different concentrations of catechol oxidase and the rate at which each solution produced benzoquinone was measured. The amount of benzoquinone made throughout the trials was measured by using a colorimeter to measure the level of â€Å"brownness† of the liquid. The colorimeter worked by shining a light through the liquid and then measuring that light on the other side to see how much of it was absorbed.In this experiment, absorbance of blue light was measured because blue light is absorbed by the color brown. The amount of blue light absorbance was measured every 15 seconds fo r five minutes. Because enzymes speed up reactions, more enzymes would cause the reaction to be even faster.1Procedure/Materials and MethodsThe lab leaders and the Punk Rock Warlord prepared three different concentrations of catechol oxidase by extracting potato juice (because it contains lots of catechol oxidase). Pure catechol, a 5mL test tube, 1mL/5mL syringes, a colorimeter and water were also used. 4mL of pure catechol and 1mL of the highly concentrated catechol oxidase were measured with the syringes. Both liquids were then injected into the 5mL test tube. The 5mL tube was placed into the opening in the colorimeter and the lid of the  colorimeter was closed.The measure of absorbance of blue light displayed on the screen of the colorimeter was recorded every 15 seconds for five minutes. This procedure was repeated for two more trials, each with 4mL of pure catechol; one used 1mL of medium concentrated catechol oxidase and one used 1mL of low concentrated catechol oxidase.The independent variable was the concentration of catechol oxidase, the dependent variable was the rate of turning brown, there were no controls, there were three replications and the sample sizes were 11 (for high concentration) and 10 (for medium and low concentrations).Results SectionFigure 1 shows that before the rates began to plateau, the high enzyme concentration solution was turning brown the fastest. Table 1 shows that the high enzyme concentration had the fastest rate and that on average, it deviated from the mean more than the medium and low concentrations. Figure 2 shows that the high enzyme concentration solution was turning brown the fastest. Table 2 shows that the different rates each solution turned brown are statistically significant.Table 1: Average Rates of for High, Medium and Low Concentrations of Catechol Oxidase and the Absolute Average Deviations. Three different concentrations of catechol oxidase were added to pure catechol and the rate of change in the absorpti on of blue light (production of benzoquinone) was measured every 15 seconds using a colorimeter. Data shown as mean of % of absorption per minute. N=11 for the high concentration and n=10 for the medium and low concentrations. Concentration of CatecholAverage Slope (Rate) Abs. Ave. Dev. High 0.818 0.174 Medium 0.569 0.081 Low 0.196 0.120Table 2: T-Test Results When Comparing the Rates at Which Different Solutions Browned Three different concentrations of catechol oxidase were added to pure catechol and the rate of change in the absorption of blue light (because production of benzoquinone makes a substance brown) was measured every 15 seconds using a colorimeter. N=11 for high concentration and n=10 for medium and low concentrations. Enzyme ConcentrationsP-Value Low vs. Medium

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Intrinsic Motivation: Surefire Way to Win Over Downturn Essay

Though none opposes the fact that motivation is the real driving engine of every action, there is considerable differences among the theorists about its mechanism, especially when it comes to explore the possibility to bring out the best out in the employees of an organization, where one school of thought advocates for extrinsic motivation for instant solution and the other insists on capitalizing the long-term efficacy of intrinsic motivation. Under the present context of economic downturn, this issue is extremely important, as extrinsic motivation primarily involves money. Therefore, this paper explores the core elements of motivation and concepts of extrinsic and intrinsic rewards from relevant literature, before coming into its own conclusion. Core of Motivation The core of motivation contains three elements like Consciousness, Inverted Qualia and Absent Qualia. These three together create various mental states. Consciousness It has six major identifiable states like 1. State of awareness: When someone is aware of something (Rosenthal, 1986). 2. Qualitative states: Sensing something out of something like enjoying a meal or experiencing a pain. Such experiences are called â€Å"qualia†, and are regarded as â€Å"intrinsic, private, ineffable and nomadic features of experience, † (Dennet, 1990). 3. Phenomenal states: A state involving more than sensory qualia, covering spatial, temporal and conceptual organization of experiences about the world and the person’s inference about it. 4. What-it-is-like states: Associating a sense of experience with another. 5. Access consciousness: It’s like seeing a thing and ideating something and then deciding on something, where there may or may not be any relationship among the above-said three stages. 6. Narrative consciousness: This â€Å"stream of consciousness† contains a series of thoughts from the â€Å"perspective of an actual or merely virtual self† (Dennett, 1991). Inverted Qualia It refers to a personal package of intrinsic and intricate experiences, with which humans decipher various external signals and respond to them, where the nature of experience governs the nature of response. The difference in perception causes inverted qualia, as for example someone might like green tea and detest coffee for no unexplainable reasons. This trait has a strong connection with intrinsic motivation (Dennet, 1991) Absent Qualia The concept of absent qualia claims that functional duplicates of a creature would do the same. As for example, if Mr. X likes tea and dislikes coffee, then his absolute clone would also do the same, for which the clone would not need an intricate and intrinsic package of experiences (Dennet, 1991). This concept backs the idea of getting result through extrinsic reward – as for example, if Mr. X and Mr. Y do identical jobs under identical conditions, then if Mr. X feels satisfied with cash reward, Mr. Y would too follow the suit without a second thought! This study thus highlights two sets of hidden relationships, one, between inverted qualia and intrinsic motivation/rewards, and two, between absent qualia and extrinsic motivation/rewards. In any case, humans’ (apparently) involuntary association with rewards too has its routes in their perceptions, which maintain a master list of individual desires, and accordingly propel them to fulfill such desires. Put into an imaginary diagram, the mechanism of human mind can look somewhat like below: Mechanism of Motivation Motivating Tools From the organizational perspective, the ways and means to motivate the employees can be many. However, the common ones among them are, 1. Rewards 2. Retention 3. Morale 5. Job-enrichment 6. Reinforcement 1. Rewards System: Rewards or recognition system has a great bearing on the emotional plane of humans. † Every behavior comes out of ‘pain and gain’ principle†, says Khera (2004, p. 110). There can be many types of tangible gains like money, vacations or gifts, or they can be intangible, like recognition, appreciation, sense of achievement, growth, responsibility, sense of fulfillment, self-worth, etc. 2. Retention: It highly motivates the employees, as â€Å"Retention is critical to the long term health and success of the company† (Heathfield, 2008). 3. Morale: The elements like praise, love and faith can charge up anyone under any circumstance. 4. Job Enrichment: It relates to the in-house grooming of the employees to become an expert in the related field. 5. Reinforcement. By all means, it is a tool to control the employee behavior (Positive, 2000), which binds the company activities together. Other Factors Related to Motivation There are three other factors that can be instrumental to keep employees motivated, and they are: Job Satisfaction, Goal-setting and Performance appraisals. They are considered to be the self-boosters of the employees, and according to Murphy (2001), belief is a thought that causes the power of subconscious to be distributed into all phases of life. Motivation and Reward System Reward systems are created to fuel the employee cooperation, effort and overall satisfaction of all members of the company Cacioppe (1999). Other researchers like Hackman (1997) Shea and Guzzo (1987) too have endorsed this view, and suggested to align rewards with group activities. The basic parameter of the formulating a reward structure, however, is expected to apply the common logic like optimizing the ability of the workforce as a whole, though in practice it might go down to an individual, especially where the work patterns are not interdependent. This situation commands a quick review of the nature of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. Intrinsic Rewards Deci (1975) says that intrinsic rewards evoke a sense of personal causation – i. e. , an inward mechanism serving as the guiding engine for the action, where its elements are usually intangible and working on the plane of one’s perception, where the journey is being enjoyed over the outcome. Extrinsic Rewards Extrinsic rewards are supposed to generate perceptions of external causation (Deci, 1975) by being mostly tangible in nature – a hike in salary or status, or material gains in other forms. However, researchers like Guzzo, (1979) defies any division in the reward system and considers it a single, usable tools to tweak the frequency of desired response of the employees towards a desired direction. Researchers like Hull (1943) and Skinner (1953) placed extrinsic reward as a direct link between stimulus and response, and their views include punishment as a stimulus too, besides subscribing to the power of stimulus. Reaction No matter how much Hull (1943) and Skinner (1953) wanted to establish extrinsic motivation as the best motivating tool to earn competitive advantage, extrinsic motivation carries a hidden cost besides the cost involved in its implementation. Researchers like Deci and Ryan (1985) used attribution theory and suggested that humans constantly reassess the reasons for their behaviors besides others. Before that, Lepper et al. (1973) had observed that reinforcement generates two effects for the management, like gaining control over activity or fastening the process; two, the backlash effect in absence of reinforcement. The example below would explain it better: A group or an individual gets a reward of x amount of money for a period y, where x+y=m, m being the increased rate of production. Before that, the situation was y=z where production was z. Now in the absence of reinforcement and with the influence of attribution theory, the situation would stand like y-x = n, where n < z. This clearly goes against the basic reason for motivating the employees, i. e. , to enhance the profit of the organization. â€Å"Engagement occurs when an employee connects emotionally with his work,† says Paul Glen (2007), and if one checks the mechanism of motivation, one gets convinced that extrinsic motivation cannot influence the employees to connect emotionally with their work, as it is guided by absent qualia, i. e. , a momentary and involuntary chase, where emotion has no role to play. On the other hand, the intrinsic motivation is guided by inverted qualia, i.  e. , conscious chase and that clearly takes along emotion in its journey and influence the human mind in no less than six ways. Conclusion The research and discussion above clearly shows that extrinsic motivation system can be a threat in disguise for the organizations especially under the present context of economic downturn, while intrinsic motivation can be the ideal solution under the same circumstance, where it can raise emotional attachment with the organization and inspire the employees to produce more for less. References Cacioppe, R. (1999). Using team-individual reward and recognition strategies to drive organizational success. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 20(6), pp. 322-331. Deci, E. and Ryan, R. (1985) Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behaviour. New York: Plenum Press. Deci, E. L. (1975). Intrinsic motivation. New York: Plenum. Denett, D. C. (1990). Quining qualia†. In Mind and Cognition, W. Lycan (Ed. ), Oxford: Blackwell, 519-548. Dennett, D. C. (1991). Consciousness explained. Boston: Little, Brown and Company. Glen, P. (2007). You Can’t Outsource Retention. Computerworld, July 16, 2007. Guzzo, R. A. (1979). Types of rewards, cognitions, and work motivation. Academy of Management Review, 4(1), pp. 75-86. Hackman, J. R. (1997). Why teams don’t work. In R. S. Tindale, J. Edwards, & E. J. Posavac (Eds. ) Applications of theory and research on groups to social issues. New York: Plenum.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Auditing and Ethics Independent Operation

The major responsibility of the auditors is to find out that if there is any materials misstatement in the accounting operations of the audited organization. There are some responsibilities of the auditors. They need to be ethical and honest at the time of audit operation (Louwers et al., 2013). In this regard, Accounting Professional & Ethical Standards Board Limited (APESB) has issued the APES 110 article that states the responsibility of the auditors. On the other hand, this article also includes the details of threats that an auditor can face and its safeguards ( 2016). The second situation indicates that Fellowes and Associates have valued the intellectual properties of HCHG on 1 March 2014 that is worth 30 million. Another important factor is that the intellectual properties are shown as material to HCHG. On 30 June 2014, the consolidated balance sheet of HCHG includes that same amount of intellectual property. This act of Fellowes and Associates has created a possible threat for Fellowes and Associates. As per the rules and regulations of Fellowes and Associates, an auditor needs to appropriately evaluate the results of previous judgment made by another audit partner. This process demands the revaluation of various assets of the audit client. When the auditors fail to do this, it creates the Self- Review Threat (Ojo, 2015). In the case of second situation, the auditors of Fellowes and Associates have taken the same amount of the intellectual properties on 30 June 2014. However, as per the rules of APES 110, the auditors need to revaluate the inte llectual properties. Hence, this act of Fellowes and Associates has created the Self-Review Threat for the audit firm. This threat is considered as a major offence in audit profession (Dobler, 2014). According to the first situation, the activity of one of the audit associates of Fellowes and Associates has created the threat of Self-interest. This type of threat is occurred when any member of the audit team has financial interest in the property of the audit client. In this particular incident, the corrective action will be to replace that particular account associate with another one. This only corrective action can be taken. However, some safeguards can be adopted to avoid this kind of situations. First, some policies and procedures need to be implemented that will help the organization to identify the staffs having financial interest in the properties of the audit client. Second, the non-audit services to the audit clients need to be minimized in order to prevent this. Last but not the least, there needs to be effective policies and principle that will prohibit the audit employees to establish financial relationship with the audit clients (Tahir, Idris & Ariffin, 2014). The second situation indicates that there is a Self-review threat by the wrong evaluation of the intellectual properties of HCHG. The rule states that other auditors must evaluate the valuation of assets. In the case of Fellowes and Associates, the only safeguards available are that the valuation of the intellectual properties needs to be evaluated by another audit team. There are some safeguards available to prevent this kind of incidents. First, it is necessary to minimize to provide non audit services to audit clients. Second, it needs to be made sure that the audit client takes decisions based on non-audit services on their own responsibility. Third, there should be a cooling off-period time before a senior auditor takes the responsibility of the audit operations. These safeguards can be taken to avoid these kinds of situation (Lawson, Spencer & Turek, 2016). As per the above discussion, it can be seen that the auditors need to maintain the rules and regulations of APES 110 at the time of audit operation. The above report states that there are major two kinds of threats in the audit operation. They are self-interest threat and self-review threat. These two are the major threats that have minimum number of safeguards. However, corrective measures are available to reduce these threats. On the other hand, APES 110 provides some safeguards that can be used to reduce the chance of the occurrence of these threats. APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants. (2016). Retrieved 29 December 2016, from Bosse, D. A., & Phillips, R. A. (2016). Agency theory and bounded self-interest.  Academy of Management Review,  41(2), 276-297. Dobler, M. (2014). Auditor-provided non-audit services in listed and private family firms.  Managerial Auditing Journal,  29(5), 427-454. Lawson, B. P., Spencer, A. W., & Turek, M. (2016). Developments in Ethics Guidelines for CPAs.  Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance,  27(6), 63-71. Louwers, T. J., Ramsay, R. J., Sinason, D. H., Strawser, J. R., & Thibodeau, J. C. (2013).  Auditing and assurance services. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Ojo, M. (2015). Audits, audit quality and signalling mechanisms: concentrated ownership structures.  American Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences,  1(2). Svanberg, J., & Ãâ€"hman, P. (2013). Auditors' time pressure: does ethical culture support audit quality?.  Managerial Auditing Journal,  28(7), 572-591. Tahir, F. A., Idris, K. M., & Ariffin, Z. Z. (2014). Dimensions of Auditor Independence: A Pilot Study.  International Journal of Business and Management,  9(6), 72.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Perform a Detailed Task Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Perform a Detailed Task Analysis - Assignment Example For example if he is going for an educational vacation he should consider a place where there is access to books, internet and any other research tools he may require. If he is going for a recreational tour he might consider factors like the weather of the place of destination, the places to be ventured into and the security of the same. He also needs to conduct an economic analysis of the places to be visited in order to select the most convenient economical destination without compromising on the vocational goals (Kirwan, 1992) After identifying the place to visit based on the vocational goals, Sam should put down all the requirements in a hierarchical manner in order to make his trip a success. The most vital points to emphasize on include money allocation/distribution, gathering important personal effects, arranging for the day and time of departure, consulting with the travel agency and making other personal arrangements such as notifying colleagues and family members about the trip and any other party concerned. In order to avail for proper distribution of money, Sam must consider the amount of money he is going to spend on the trip and distribute it accordingly based on the travel budget. This will involve considerations on which means of transport to use and the cost on the same, where to stay and the funding for the various activities included in the vocation needs. This includes entertainment costs, agency costs among others (Shepherd, 2001). After deciding on how much to spend on each item, Sam should gather all the items listed in his travel schedule. This will include items such as a suitcase, clothing and other items related to his personal wellbeing. He should also gather all items necessary to meet his vocational goals such as books if he is going for an educational vocation. In order to be on schedule, Sam must identify the date for the trip and make the necessary arrangements with the parties involved. This will

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Cyber Bullying Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cyber Bullying - Essay Example This type of bullying often starts as a rumor, a photo or sometimes a forwarded message which spiral out of control. Cyber-bullying affects people at any place and at any time (National Center Missing & Exploited Children 2015). There are diverse forms of bullying, however, the most common are flaming and trolling which involves posting hostile messages with the intention of inflaming the emotions of other people and happy-slapping which involves recording a person being harassed physically then posting the video online. Other forms of cyber bullying include identity theft that involves stealing someone’s password and hijacking their online accounts to post humiliating pictures or information, photo-shopping, physical threats and rumor spreading. In relation to this, Amanda Todd expounds on how she became a victim of cyber bullying (The Amanda Todd Story 2014). In her story, she links he emotional discomfort with her interaction with an unknown person who ended up posting her naked photo in Facebook. It is through the rapid spread of the photo in the social media that she became an enemy to all people including her close friends. Victims of cyberbullying often portray specific signs. For instance, a child being bullied may avoid a computer, cell phone, as well as technological devices associated with receiving messages and emails. Other children may withdraw themselves from family or friends, avoid conversations associated with computers, or exhibit not only signs of low esteem, but also depression and fear. In addition to having poor grades, others develop poor eating and sleeping habits. In her video, Amanda Todd also expounds on the effects of cyber-bullying to her well being. The loneliness she had as a result of losing close friends made her feel depressed to a level that she started using drugs in order to forget about her experiences (How to Change Children from by Standing to Upstanding 2014). Apart from secluding

Lifting the Corporate Veil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Lifting the Corporate Veil - Essay Example The extremely famous and somewhat revolutionary decision of Salomon v Salmon & Co Ltd [1897]1 introduced and upheld the corporate personality doctrine which was then defined in the Companies Act 1862. The effect of the decision was that creditors of a company that had gone insolvent would not be able to sue the shareholders of the company for its outstanding debts: the doctrine of separate corporate personality was effectively entrenched by the House of Lords. More noticeably, the House of Lords fully established the concept that the company exists as a separate personality from that of its members, causing the company to become its own entity, thus competent to sue and be sued,4 to enter into contractual agreements,5 to make profits and suffer losses in its own name,6 and to own property. The decision of Salomon also formed the beneficial concept that shareholders would be afforded limited liability in the event of insolvency of the company. Despite the passing of more than a centur y, the dicta of the House of Lords has stood strong as an â€Å"unyielding rock†,7 even enjoying codification in section 16(2) of the Companies Act 2006. The decision brought several new effects to the company law world. Lord Herschell claimed that â€Å"the company is ex hypothesi a distinct legal person†2 and Lord McNaghten stressed that â€Å"the company is at law a different person altogether from the subscribers to the memorandum†¦nor are the members as subscribers liable†¦except to the extent and in the manner provided by the Act’.3 ... When will the courts disregard Salomon and lift the corporate veil? Can a specific set of criteria be established in order to determine when the veil will be lifted, or does it depend on the particular circumstances of each case? It is arguable that the courts’ previous instances of lifting the corporate veil have been difficult to predict with any degree of certainty. It will be argued however that this is not necessarily disadvantageous and any alternative approach of the courts could prove more detrimental to company law as a whole. Attempts to establish specific criteria for lifting the veil have been fruitless, as the courts have remained adamant to keep derogations from Salomon flexible. This paper will evaluate when the courts have lifted the corporate veil, and under what circumstances they chose to as opposed to when the courts have specifically refused to lift the corporate veil. Potential for reforms in the law will be explored, though it will ultimately be argued t hat codification of the lifting of the veil will greatly reduce, even remove the flexibility enjoyed by the courts when lifting the veil. It will be argued that this flexibility is essential in order to make the principle apply as and when the courts see fit. Have the courts approached the lifting of the veil appropriately, or is the veil’s fate left arbitrarily in the hands of the court? Is more certainty required? When Is The Corporate Veil Lifted? It is clear to see that the debate surrounding the courts’ lifting of the corporate veil has centred around the need to balance between certainty and flexibility. The courts have been presented with extremely varied situations and circumstances under which they were required to decide whether the veil

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The life of an international student Research Paper

The life of an international student - Research Paper Example The basic reason as to why most people become international students is that the education standards in their home countries do not meet their needs. As a result, these students opt to learn in other countries whose education matches their expectations. However, in most cases, it is not easy to settle down in a foreign country as an international student. For some, the change is too overwhelming and they may opt to go back home, while others persevere and work towards achieving their goals and dreams. Luckily, some countries like the United States and Canada have programs in their universities and colleges that help international students cope with the new life. The life of an international student The transformation that an international student undergoes once they move to a foreign country cannot be understated. In most cases, being an international student means leaving your family and friends behind and adjusting to a completely new lifestyle. One is forced to learn a new languag e, learn the culture of the people, adjust to their schooling system and basically learn how to live in a new country. Before getting used to these changes, most international students feel like aliens, thus preferring to keep to themselves as they assess the people around them. With time, however, they start looking for other international student from their home countries so that the latter can help them adjust. ... Differences between the United States and the Saudi Arabian systems of education One of the challenges that international students face is the difference in education systems between their home countries and their host countries. For example, the education system of the United States differs from that of Saudi Arabia in a number of ways. One of the differences, for example, is in regard to the conduct of students in class. At the beginning, I was always the quite type in class because that is the culture of Saudi Arabian classrooms. The students in Saudi Arabian classes do not speak much but in America classrooms, the story is different as students are very opinionated. They also challenge the teachers directly in case they do not agree with what the teacher says. In addition, whereas Saudi Arabians are very disciplined in class, in terms of modes of dressing and behavior, American students have a lot of freedom. For example, students come to class in casual clothes and some even tak e snacks and sleep in class. Additionally, being from Saudi Arabia, I was accustomed to official dressing while attending class, and a lot of discipline during sessions. I, therefore, always felt odd when I went to class dressed formally and almost everyone else was in casual wear. Although I have tried to adapt to the American classroom culture, is still find myself being formal in dressing as I attend class and reserving some of my opinions during lectures. In addition to the classroom setting, I was also confused at the beginning because the American system seems to place so much emphasis on education and leaves little space for socialization. Here in the United States, one is expected to either be in class, in a study group, doing research, or participating in

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Human Resource Management Practice in the UK private security industry Essay

Human Resource Management Practice in the UK private security industry - Essay Example heir employer’s investment, ensure that laws are followed and implemented, and apart from preventing many other problems they prevent criminal activity (Brewster, 1994). The security personnel are expected to behave as a part of the culture of the organization and process information to protect the interests of their employers and suggest improvements in the infrastructure. This requires them to have good judgement and common sense as they need to follow directives given to them and moreover may be required to testify in courts. Their instinctual development and insights make them respond to emergencies effectively and take charge of the situation in a can do attitude while directing others to safety. Either in groups or working alone or being assisted by technology, the security personnel have to be solely responsible of any situation that calls for their immediate response (Brewster, 1994). Based on the needs and requirements of the industry and the dynamic way the companies progress, the recruitment and selection processes of these companies are made to follow government regulations and internal policies to ensure service and recruitment of personnel (Bratton, 2001). As human resource development has progressed so has the recruitment and selection process as well. The standards that are set professionally by the industrial psychologists suggest that the selection system has to be backed by a comprehensive job analysis to relate the selection criteria with the job requirement. The main requirements for the selection process are based on the knowledge of the applicant that is directly related to the job requirement. Furthermore, the assessment of the abilities and other characteristics of the recruits are evaluated for successful performance (Bratton, 2001). The objective of hiring personnel in security agencies to provide solutions to companies is to match the requirements while ensuring a profitable return on investment. The process of recruitment revolves

Monday, September 23, 2019

SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

SLP - Essay Example It is however the slowest in starting up of the three and it seems that the application has heavy files. The slowest of the three search engine to load a website is internet explorer. It requires twice as much time to load compare to chrome and even fails to load sometimes. There are only two utility of a website that I find useful for what I need which is for research work in school and recreation (social networking, interesting websites etch). So the important utility that I need is how fast does it load a certain website and how fast does it load videos and pictures. Of the three, google chrome loads the fastest which I find very useful to what I need. I have to be honest that I am quite impatient when I surf the net. Speed is very important for me that is why I was annoyed using internet explorer because it is very slow and has a lot of bugs evident with its constant failure to load. This experience made me realize that user experience is very important to make an application relevant and useful. So if I will create applications someday, I will bear in mind the need and experience of the users so that the application I created will become

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism Essay Example for Free

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism Essay Maximilian Carl Emil Weber (1864-1920) was a renowned German political economist whose works are still influential in the field to date. He is credited among the founder of the modern study of public administration and sociology. In his analysis on religion, Weber wrote an essay on The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism wherein he argued that religion has largely shaped the different cultures of the world, creating differences between the eastern and western cultures. It is religion, according to him, which brought about the spirit of capitalism and bureaucracy in the western political culture. Protestantism and capitalism are social aspects that intermingle at several places. Protestantism is often associated with revolution and anarchy. It refers to a form of Christian faith holding principals of reformation. Reformation is this context refers to the revolution in the Christian realm which happened ion the 16th century in protest against some principles of the Roman Catholic Church. The leaders of the reformation established the protestant movement to run parallel to the Roman Catholic Church. The term is not used in reference to any particular church, but for the group of churches excluding Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Early Protestantism was characterized by the acceptance of the Christian holy book as the only source of absolute truth. They believe in universal priesthood and that faith is the only justification of one’s relationship in God. It is therefore a sin to doubt God and the provisions poof the Bible.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Capitalism on the other hand is an economic system that believes in the free market mode of business. A capitalist society is characterized by minimum state intervention in economic activities. Capitalists argue for the control of the economy being effected by market forces, where an entrepreneur engages in a capital investment to earn profits. Morality in such cases is relegated as the businessman is strictly after profits. In such a society, people should work extra hard to harness the benefits an economic venture.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is however no society that can be fully capitalist. In all societies, the government has to intervene to inculcate an orderly environment for business to flourish. It has to create order where there is none, and establish a society of understanding, not the state of nature argued by Thomas Hobbes where life is short, brutish and involves a war of all against all. A capitalist system encourages hard work. Individuals are competing against themselves, and a social welfare tendency is mostly a marketing strategy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The bible is clear in support of capitalism. In the parable of the servant who was reprimanded because he did not invest the shilling he was given, Christianity is clear that people should be hard working and invest more. The bible goes ahead to say that whoever dies not work should not eat. This is the spirit of capitalism based on the principle of toiling and consequences of laziness faced by individuals and not groups.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is argued that the spirit of capitalism is deep rooted in Protestantism. Many of the clergy came from commercial circles. A large number of the adherents of Pietism are former commercial bigwigs, and the probability that they are going to frame the economic policies to suit the capitalist environment is very high. It is notable that  Ã‚   many capitalistic entrepreneurs sprung from clergymen’s families. A good example worth mentioning is Cecil Rhodes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Protestant churches were open to voluntary membership. This is a characteristic feature ioif a capitalist system, in whose advocates argue for freedom of choice and minimum government intervention, if it must intervene. This is different from the state sponsored European churches in Europe where Max lived. Any member could therefore be trusted in business, irrespective of the sect he confesses. However, misbehavior could cause excommunication.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In America, Weber also noted that the members of the protestant sect used to run the sects. This is at variance with the European model where the state appoints the pastors to rub these establishments, and therefore the pastor becomes a political appointee. The congregation insisted on preaching ethics as opposed to mere ideas of religious dogma. These were considered less important by the congregation at the time. Again members of the American church could replace corrupt or inefficient pastors on such basis.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With time, the influence of the church seemed to wane away, with secular institutions gaining strengths in society. These secular organizations were keen to accept members who exhibit a clear record. The members assured the strict adherence to these principles, and not the hierarchical structure of governance. Traveling salesmen had to have a label indicating them as members of a certain organization, for the sake of building customer confidence.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As Weber argues in his book The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, the protestant reformation was the origin of ethical behavior for businessmen, and has effectively promoted the growth of capitalism. References Fischoff, E. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Social Research, Vol.XI, 1944,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   pp.62-68 Swatos, W. H. (ed) Time, Place, and Circumstance: Neo-Weberian Studies in Comparative  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Religious History. New York: Greenwood Press. 1990 Swedberg, R. Max Weber and the Idea of Economic Sociology. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Ratio Analysis Of British Airways Plc Finance Essay

Ratio Analysis Of British Airways Plc Finance Essay British Airways PLC is the largest international airline of United Kingdom. It is based at the London Heathrow Airport and the busiest airports in the world. It is serves 96 million passengers a year using around 441 airports in 86 countries and more than thousand planes. British airway is fiercely competitive, heavily regulated and highly exposed to changes in customer behaviour and consumer confidence. British airway has a total market capitalisation of approximately  £3299 million, Shares in Issue 1153 million and the current share price is 286p. The past economic environment creates a new challenge to the company they concentrate their efforts to seize long-term opportunities for growth. 2. Background Feb 2008 In this fiscal year, British Airways is targeting a 10 percent operating margin, which is said to be the highest in its history, as it taps demand for premium travel It once again declared that it is targeting a full-year sales growth of 3 to 3.5 percent. May 2008 British Airways Operational Environment to keep up with competitors and to incorporate fuel efficient aircraft to its ageing fleet, British Airways signed a firm contract on 28 May 2008 for two Airbus A138 British Airways Report on British Airways The airways has an Operational Environment in order to keep up with its competitors and to combine its fuel efficient aircraft to its ageing fleet, British Airways has signed a firm contract for two Airbus A138 on 28 May 2008. Jul 2008 Merger talks were started between British Airways and Iberia in the year 2008 due to the decrease in passenger demand, whereas on the other hand the pension fund deficit was around 3 billion pounds ($5 billion) and the outcome of the combined entity was striking. British Airways plans to reduce seating, raise ticket prices as there was a 90% fall in the first quarter which was three days after announcing merger talks with Iberia. Mar 2009 By March, 2009 its revenues rose to  £8.99 billion whereas it was  £8.75 billion a year agoBritish Airways revenues rose to  £8.99 billion for the year ended March 31, 2009. The same stood at  £8.75 billion in the same period a year ago. Reduced passenger and cargo demand and high fuel prices last summer contributed to our 220 million pounds . The introduction of Reduced passenger and cargo demand and high fuel prices helped in the contribution of the 220 million pounds operating loss in the last year. April 2009 during the global recession period, Europes third- biggest carrier, the British Airways Plc, gave an approval of a voluntary severance for a total number of 300 workers because the traffic of passengers extended to a great deal. Jul 2009 By John Bowker LONDON (Reuters) British Airways (BAY.L) has not ruled out a major rights issue to help shore up its balance sheet but analysts see such a move as an absolute last resort and one that could destroy management credibility. Sep 2009 On this day the first EMBRAER 170 jet was delivered by Embraer in Sà £o Josà © dos Campos, Brazil, the headquarters, to British Airways. This aircraft was configured with 76 seats and in a singleclass layout, which will be operated by BA CityFlyer, British Airways wholly owned regional subsidiary. Also to mention that the regional subsidiary operates international and domestic routes from London City Airport. Oct 2009 A new service is to be launched by the British Airways from Gatwick to Montego bay, Punta Cana twice in a week. Nov 2009 British Airways (BA) has operated for 23 years at London Heathrow and finally has bid farewell to the facilty. Jan 2010 British Airways has been operating Japan in the past 62 years and at present it operates 7 flights in a week between London Heathrow and Narita International Airport. British Airways Flying Club Piper PA-28-236 G-ODAK. Shoreham 6/3/ 2010. Sep 2010 British Airways provides an Increase in the number of Flights to the Caribbean Just the Filed in: Flight, Travel Campbell River Firm Restoring the Past DC-3 Called a Flying Time Capsule 3. Ratio analysis 3.1. Ratio Analysis- British Airways PLC RATIO 2010 2009 B/W Operating profit margin 231 7994 2.89% 220 8992 2.45% B Current 2674 3740 .71 2346 4142 .56 B Quick 2674-98 3740 .69 2346-127 4142 .54 B Fixed Asset turnover 7994 7973 1 8992 8142 1.1 W Return on capital employed 231 10677-3740 3.33% 220 10488-4142 3.47% W Return on equity 425 2113 20.11% 358 1846 19.39 % B Debt to equity 4824 2113 2.28 4500 1846 2.43 B Dividend yield 5.20 122.8 4.23% 5.02 150.9 3.33% B Price to earning ratio 250 38.5 6.49 137.5 32.6 4.21 W Earning yield 38.5 250 15.4% 32.6 137.5 23.7% W Return on total assets 425 10677 3.98% 358 10488 3.41% B Sales per employee 7994 79097  £ 518565.8 8992 72375  £ 490196.9 B Stock turnover 412 x 365 25842 5.819 days 417 x 365 21890 6.953 days W Dividend cover 38.5 5.20 1.123 32.6 5.02 2.502 W Account receivable turnover 499 x 365 7994 22.78 days 530 x 365 8992 21.51 days W Account payable turnover 3160 x 365 25842 44.63 days 2963 x 365 21890 49.41 days W Total Asset turnover 7994 10677 0.75 8992 10488 .86 W Gearing 4824 4824+2113 69.54% 4500 4500+1846 70.91% B 3.2. Interpretation and Explanations of ratios 3.2.1. Operating profit margin The  Operating Profit Margin measures the Operating Profit in relation to the Net Sales.   This reveals the operating efficiency of the company. The higher the Operating Profit Margin, then more efficient is the business. Operating Profit   Operating Profit Margin  = Sales   As a result of analysis, the operating profit margin of the year 2009 is 2.45% and that of the year 2010 is 2.89%. The operation margin of the year 2010 is higher than that of the year 2009, so it can be concluded that the company is performing an efficient operation. 3.2.2. Current ratio The current ratio compares all the Current Assets of a company to all the Current Liabilities.   What this ratio basically tells us is if the company had to sell all its readily available assets, would it be able to pay off its immediate debt? A ratio under  1 suggests that the company  would  be  unable to pay off  its obligations if they came due at that point. Current Assets Current Ratio = Current Liabilities As a result of analysis, the current ratio of the year 2009 is 0.56 and that of year 2010 is 0.71. Current ratio of both years is below 1 so it can be concluded that the company is not in good financial health. Also it can be said that the company is performing good since the current ratio of 2010 is higher when compared to that of 2009. . 3.2.3. Quick ratio Also called the Acid-Test Ratio, the  current ratio compares all the Current Assets of a company to all the Current Liabilities just like the Current Ratio, but the Inventories are subtracted from the Current Assets. Current Assets Inventory Quick  Ratio = Current Liabilities As a result of analysis, quick ratio of the year 2009 is 0.54 and that of the year 2010 is 0.69. Current ratio of 2010 is higher than 2009, so the company is in a favourable position 3.2.4. Fixed Asset turnover The  Fixed Asset Turnover is measure  a companys effectiveness in  generating  Net Sales  revenue from investments back into the company. The higher the Fixed Asset Turnover ratio, the more effective the companys investments in Net Property, Plant, and Equipment have become. Sales     Fixed Asset Turnover = Fixed asset   From the analysis of the last two years, fixed asset turnover of the year 2009 is 1.1 and the year 2010 is 1. Fixed asset turnover is low in the year 2010, so it can be said that the company is not as effective compared to the year 2009. 3.2.5. Return on Capital employed It is a ratio that indicates the  efficiency  and profitability of a companys capital investments. ROCE should always be higher than the rate  at which  the  company  borrows otherwise any increase in borrowing will reduce shareholders earnings. Operating profit     Return on capital employed = Total assets   Current liability As a result of analysis, the return on capital employed of the year 2009 is 3.47% and the year 2010 is 3.33%. Return on capital employed of the year 2010 is less than the year 2009, so it can be said that, profitability of the company is less when compared to 2009. 3.2.6. Return on equity The  Return on Equity measures the Net Earnings in relation to the Equity.   Return on Equity describes how well contributions from  stockholders  generated earnings for the company. Net Earnings   Return on Equity =   Equity   From the analysis of return on equity ratio, it is 19.39% for the year 2009 and 20.11% for the year 2010. In the year 2010 return on equity ratio is high, so profitability of the company is high compared to 2009. 3.2.7. Debt to equity ratio The Debt to  Equity  Ratio compares the companys dollar amount owed to creditors to the dollar amount supplied by investors of the company.   debt   Debt to Equity Ratio = Equity   As a result of analysis, the debt to equity ratio of the year 2009 is 2.43 and that of the year 2010 is 2.28. Ratio of the year 2010 is low, so it can be said that the company is at favourable position. 3.2.8. Dividend yield A financial ratio that  shows how much a  company  pays out in dividends each year relative to its share price.  In the absence of any capital gains, the dividend yield is the return on investment for a  stock. Dividends per Share   Dividend Yield = Share price As a result of analysis, the dividend yield of the year 2010 is 4.23% and the year 2009 is 3.33%, so it can be concluded that cash flow in the year 2010 is more than in the year 2009. 3.2.9. Earnings per share The  Earnings Per Share compares Net Earnings to the number of Shares, and is simply how much earnings has been generated per one share of stock during the period reported. Profit after tax   Earnings Per Share = Number of share   As a result of analysis, the earnings per share for the years 2009 and 2010 are 12.56p and 5.84p. Earnings per share in the year 2010 are less compared to the year 2009, so it can be said that the company is not performing good. 3.2.10. Price to Earnings ratio The Price to Earnings Ratio  compares the Share Price to the Earnings per Share.   This ratio is a quick measure of how expensive the stock of a company may be. Share Price     Price to Earnings Ratio = Earnings Per Share From the analysis of the price to earnings ratio, it is 6.49 for the year 2010 and is 4.21 for the year 2009. So it can be concluded that the companys share has gone down in the year 2010 when compared to the year 2009. 3.2.11. Earning yield It is the earnings per share for the most recent 12-month period divided by the current market price per share. The earnings yield shows the percentage of each dollar invested in the stock that was earned by the  company. Earnings Per Share     Earning yield = Share Price As a result of analysis, the earning yield for the year 2009 is 23.7% and the year 2010 is 15.4%. Investment percentage of the year 2010 is lower than the year 2009, so the company has not been performing well in the year 2010. 3.2.12. Return on total assets The Return on Total Assets  measures the profit before interest in relation to the Total Assets.   The Return on Total Assets identifies how well the investments of the company have generated earnings back to the company. Higher the ROA number, the better, because the company is earning more money on less investment. Profit before interest   Return on Total Assets = Total Assets As a result of analysis, the return on total assets of the years 2010 and 2009 are 3.98% and 3.41% respectively. Return on total assets in the year 2010 is higher when compared to the year 2009 and hence it can be said that the company has earned high with its investment in the year 2010. 3.2.13. Sales per employee The name indicates how the sales/employee ratio is calculated: a companys annual sales divided by its total employees. Higher sales-per-employee figures are generally considered more efficient than those with lower figures. Sales revenue   Sales per employee = Average number of employees As a result of the analysis, sales per employee of the years 2009 and 2010 are  £ 490196.9 and  £ 518565.8 respectively. Sales per employee of year 2010 are higher than that of the year 2009 and hence in the year 2010 the company has earned more profit with a fewer number of employees compared to the previous year. 3.2.14. Stock turnover (in days)   Stock turnover ratio  shows how many times over the business has sold the value of its stocks in terms of days. A high stock turnover is better, because money is then tied up for a lesser time in stocks. Sales x 365   Stock turnover (in days) = Cost of sales The result of analysis of stock turnover for the years 2009 and 2010 are 6.953 days and 5.819 days. Stock turnover in the year 2010 is lower than the year 2009. So turning the stock of the company to money in the year 2010 is better. 3.2.15. Dividend cover The dividend cover ratio tells us how easily a business can pay its dividend from profits. A high dividend cover means that the company can easily afford to pay the dividend and a low value means that the business might have difficulty paying a dividend. Earnings per share   Dividend cover = Dividend per share As a result of analysis, the dividend cover of the year 2009 is 2.502 and the year 2010 is 1.123. Dividend cover of 2010 is lower than the year 2009. Hence it is difficult for the company to pay dividend in the year 2010 compared to 2009. 3.2.16. Account receivable turnover This is the ratio of the number of times that accounts receivable amount is collected throughout the year. A high  accounts receivable turnover ratio  indicates a tight credit policy. A low or declining  accounts receivable turnover ratio  indicates a collection problem, part of which may be due to bad debts. Debtor x 365   Account receivable turnover = Sales Form the analysis of the account receivable turnover; it is 22.78 days for the year 2010 and 21.51 days for the year 2009. Account receivable turnover of the year 2010 is higher, and so, collection in the year 2010 is hard compared to the year 2009. 3.2.17. Account payable turnover The measure shows investors how many times per period the company pays  its average payable amount.   If the turnover ratio is falling from one period to another, this is a sign  that the company is taking longer to pay off  its suppliers than  it was  before.   Creditor x 365   Account payable turnover = Cost of sales From the analysis of account payable turnover it is 49.41 days for the year 2009 and 44.63 days for the year 2010. Account payable turnover of the year 2010 is less, so it can be concluded that the company is taking longer time to pay off  its suppliers than the year 2009.   3.2.18. Total Asset turnover The amount of sales generated for every pounds worth of assets. It is calculated by dividing sales in pounds by assets in pound. The higher value of asset turnover is better. Sales     Total Asset Turnover = Total Assets   As a result of analysis, the total asset turnover of years 2010 and 2009 are 0.75 and 0.86. In the year 2010, asset turnover is less, so the company was not effective as in the year 2009. 3.2.19. Gearing ratio Gearing is a measure of financial leverage, demonstrating the degree to which a firms activities are funded by owners funds versus creditors funds.  A company with high gearing is more vulnerable to downturns in the  business cycle. Debt     Gearing ratio = Debt + Equity   From analysis, the gearing ratio of the years 2010 and 2009 are 69.54% and 70.91% respectively. Gearing ratio of the year 2010 is less compared to that of 2009, so the company had a good financial strength in the year 2010. 4. The impact of current events Revenue of the company was decreased to 7,994 m in the year 2010 which was favourable for the company Earnings per share in the year 2010 and 2009 were 38.5 and 32.6 and hence the companys earnings from shares are high compared to the year 2008. Operating profit of the company is high in the year 2009 compared to the year before. This is good for the company. The company has failed to give enough dividends in the year 2009 compared to the previous year. So it has failed to attract the shareholders. Total equity of the company has increased in the year 2010 which is not a good sign for the company. Cost of sale of the company is raised in the year 2009 compared to the previous year. Thus the companys expenditure has been increased in 2009. Hence, cost of sale should be reduced by the company. Account receivable turnover is higher in the year 2010 when compared to the year 2009, which is not good for the company. Account payable turnover is high in the year 2009 compared to the previous year which is not favourable for the company. Fixed asset turnover of the company is almost equal in the last two years and hence this does not have any impact on the company. From the ratio analysis most of the ratios turned positive result. This is shows that the company performing well. From the above analysis and the financial data of the company, we can say that the companys performance is good in the year 2010 when compared to the previous year. 5. Prediction for the future The British Airways PLC Company has performed well in the last year compare that of past years. and this may be because of the financial crisis which occurred in the year a result of the above analysis the company is expected to perform well in future in order to maintain its standard. For this it should enhance the services and offers given to the customers and also provide good and reliable service. This may help in attracting more customers. The company should offer more facilities compared to the other telecommunication companies and this will greatly help the company to develop and grow in the forthcoming years. Conclusion The Vodafone group PLC is a well-established international company in the telecommunication sector and has a good name in the market. The company has failed to perform well in the year 2009 compare to the year 2008 and this may be because of the financial crisis. But in spite of the crisis it had a good financial history in the past years. So there is a strong hope that Vodafone Group PLC will perform well in the coming years.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Richard II Essay: The Characters of Bolingbroke and Richard II

The Characters of Bolingbroke and Richard II "What tongue speaks my right drawn sword may prove" is the sentence which concludes a short speech delivered by Henry Bolingbroke to King Richard II (1.1.6). These words are but the first demonstration of the marked difference between the above-mentioned characters in The Tragedy of Richard II. The line presents a man intent on action, a foil to the title character, a man of words. When Bolingbroke first appears in the play, he is accusing Thomas Mowbray of treason and then states that he is ready to act upon his accusations, to draw his sword against Mowbray. He declares, "Besides I say and will in battle prove . . ." (1.1.92, emphasis mine). Richard yields to the request of trial by combat. It is a ruling on which he later reneges, pronouncing banishment on the two parties rather than allowing their confrontation. This is a prime example of Richard using his authority by way of rulings and pronouncements rather than action, even to the point of disallowing an action. Bolingbroke, on the other hand, is quite ready to do battle no matter what the consequences. Moments before Richard puts a stop to the proceedings, Bolingbroke says, ". . . let no noble eye profane a tear / For me, if I be gorged with Mowbray's spear" (1.3.58-59). Here is a man who is resolved in his intent. To be sure, even in the ensuing banishment, Bolingbroke is not hindered. When he learns of the seizure of the estate of his dead father, John of Gaunt, by Richard, he comes back to England despite the ... ...essing anyone who was around or even just addressing himself. However, Bolingbroke is not a man of many words; he feels the need to physically atone for his part in the murder, "To wash this blood off [his] guilty hand" (5.6.50). Nevertheless, as a man of action, Bolingbroke has achieved for himself the goal of retrieving his father Gaunt's estates and much more. He, in the end, is king, King Henry IV. And though Richard as king was full of pomp and ceremony, those things were no match for ambition carried to its fullest. His strong words belied incompetence as a ruler, and he could not hold his position. It seems that it was inevitable that Bolingbroke would be the victor at last. Richard should have taken more note of his usurper, before he was such, this man he called "[Gaunt's] bold son" (1.1.3).

Essay --

Many specific groups, based on race or religion, indicate voting preferences towards either Democrat or Republican Candidates. Jews are no exception to this trend. What is fascinating about the Jewish vote is not that they lean slightly towards liberals; it is that they vote overwhelmingly in favor of the Democratic Party. Compared with other minority groups, Jews have been far less likely to be swayed into voting for republican candidates. Throughout the last century Jews have declared themselves to be a race of liberals in every Presidential election. What is most interesting about this is that Jews go against the grain, meaning based on their economic and educational standing in society, based on voting trends, it would make sense that Jews were to vote for Republican candidates. A conservative might ask the question, â€Å"why do Jews always vote democrat†? It is a legitimate question, and the answer is complicated. However, this essay will explore the possible answers to that question, and explain the historical significance of today’s Jewish voting trends. In American history, Jews from the time of the Revolution of 1776 to the Civil War, have played a fairly insignificant role in the overall expansion of the United States. There were of course exceptions, specifically, Haym Solomon, who helped fund the Continental Army in the Civil War. But during the United States’ century as a country, the Jewish population was small and the only significant immigration had arrived from central Europe, and the German states. Those German-speaking Jews came to the United States primarily for political and economic opportunity rather than religious freedom, which was taking hold in central Europe in the 19th Century as part of the Enlightenme... significant elections. Despite all this assimilation and absorption into American culture, the overwhelming number of Jews still remain suspicious of mainstream American values. In the 1960s, many Jews joined the counterculture programs and have remained far left in orientation when it came to labor rights, race issues, and issues involving sexual orientation. These Jewish Democrats still see a country not of opportunity, but of subjugation, and they identify with the Democrats who they perceive are more concerned for the poor, a Biblical Jewish value. Republicans believe that social welfare programs hurt people’s initiative and make them dependent on government rather than upon themselves, or their families or communities. Conservatives further see this dependency as contrary to the American value of self-sufficiency and believe it leads to a sense of privilege

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Book of the Duchess, the Parliament of Fowls, and the House of Fame

The Book of the Duchess, the Parliament of Fowls, and the House of Fame The Parliament of Fowls and the House of Fame are closely related to each other and to the Book of the Duchess, as all three of the poetry share several similar themes. Written between 1368 and 1380 they are some of Chaucer’s earliest works in which aspects of some of the great writers of his time are evident. There are three major themes intertwined within the three works, which Chaucer has added to the Dream Vision genre. The first work, possibly written from 1368-1372, the Book of the Duchess begins with the love-sick narrator finally falling asleep as he reads the sad love story of Seys and Alcyone (originally written by Ovid). He dreams that he is in bed early in the morning, then out hunting in the forest. He follows a dog down a path and finds a knight dressed in black who laments the loss of his lady. The narrator forces the knight to tell him about her, eventually learning that she is dead. The other hunters reappear, a bell strikes, and the narrator awakes. Written in the late 1370’s, the House of Fame consists of three books, and unfortunately is incomplete. A short prologue on dreams and an invocation to sleep precedes book one, which tells of the narrator’s visit to the Temple of Glass where he finds images, suggested by book four and other parts of Virgil’s Aeneid. Seized by a chatty golden eagle at the start of book two, he is carried up into the House of Fame, which is located in the heavens. There he sees, during book three, images of famous writers; in particular he sees how arbitrary Fame is. Beside the House of Fame he sees the Labyrinth, representing all the complexity of human existence. â€Å"A man of gret auctorite† (H... ...ay. Through the use of several references to famous texts, Chaucer helped explain his poetry to his audience at the time and to us now. Sources Cited Anthony. â€Å"† (3 May, 2003) Boitani, Piero. The Cambridge Chaucer Companion. ed. Boitani, Piero & Mann, Jill. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Psonak, Kevin. â€Å"The Geoffrey Chaucer Website Homepage† Mar 5, 2003. (3 May, 2003) Robinson, F.N., ed. The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1961. Stanbury, Sarah. â€Å"Prior† (3 May, 2003) Thundy, Zacharias P.. â€Å"THE BOOK OF THE DUCHESS: AN ELEGY OR ATEDEUM?† (3 May, 2003) Lohr 1 The Book of the Duchess, the Parliament of Fowls, and the House of Fame The Book of the Duchess, the Parliament of Fowls, and the House of Fame The Parliament of Fowls and the House of Fame are closely related to each other and to the Book of the Duchess, as all three of the poetry share several similar themes. Written between 1368 and 1380 they are some of Chaucer’s earliest works in which aspects of some of the great writers of his time are evident. There are three major themes intertwined within the three works, which Chaucer has added to the Dream Vision genre. The first work, possibly written from 1368-1372, the Book of the Duchess begins with the love-sick narrator finally falling asleep as he reads the sad love story of Seys and Alcyone (originally written by Ovid). He dreams that he is in bed early in the morning, then out hunting in the forest. He follows a dog down a path and finds a knight dressed in black who laments the loss of his lady. The narrator forces the knight to tell him about her, eventually learning that she is dead. The other hunters reappear, a bell strikes, and the narrator awakes. Written in the late 1370’s, the House of Fame consists of three books, and unfortunately is incomplete. A short prologue on dreams and an invocation to sleep precedes book one, which tells of the narrator’s visit to the Temple of Glass where he finds images, suggested by book four and other parts of Virgil’s Aeneid. Seized by a chatty golden eagle at the start of book two, he is carried up into the House of Fame, which is located in the heavens. There he sees, during book three, images of famous writers; in particular he sees how arbitrary Fame is. Beside the House of Fame he sees the Labyrinth, representing all the complexity of human existence. â€Å"A man of gret auctorite† (H... ...ay. Through the use of several references to famous texts, Chaucer helped explain his poetry to his audience at the time and to us now. Sources Cited Anthony. â€Å"† (3 May, 2003) Boitani, Piero. The Cambridge Chaucer Companion. ed. Boitani, Piero & Mann, Jill. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Psonak, Kevin. â€Å"The Geoffrey Chaucer Website Homepage† Mar 5, 2003. (3 May, 2003) Robinson, F.N., ed. The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1961. Stanbury, Sarah. â€Å"Prior† (3 May, 2003) Thundy, Zacharias P.. â€Å"THE BOOK OF THE DUCHESS: AN ELEGY OR ATEDEUM?† (3 May, 2003) Lohr 1

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Sales and Inventory System of Graph Image Paint Center

I. INTRODUCTION 1. 1 RATIONALE OF THE STUDY Inventory systems are tracking systems that inform the amount of raw materials, supplies or final products have readily available. Updated each time you sell an item or use raw materials to create and to know what you available for the following day or week. This type of system allows ordering products in advance, so you have everything you need at all times. 1. 2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM How can the proposed system monitor the sales inventory of the transaction * How can the proposed system provide an accurate sales computation * How can the proposed system make a better sales record for each order transaction 1. 3 SYSTEM OBJECTIVES * To develop a Sale and Inventory System for Graph Image Paint Center that will give solutions to the problems encountered in their manual business processes. * To avoid excess inventory and stock outs by using the sales inventory system * To produce appropriate reports of the sales 1. 4 SYSTEM SCOPE AND LIMITA TIONScope: * records the customers’ order transactions * generate the customers’ order transaction report. * view the previous sales record * can add, edit, search or delete orders to be delivered * print a receipt * can view inventory record in daily basis * determines the lead point of reorder Limitations: * limited in cash-based payment * doesn’t accept a credit card payment * cannot perform the crediting of the custom II. Company Background Graph Image Paint Center is located at Salcedo Rosario, Cavite that sells different kinds of paint and painting materials.The store is owned by Mr. Gary Palima and Armie Palima. The business operates every Mondays to Saturdays from 8am to 5pm. The company is doing their annual inventory manually. 2. 1 Organizational Chart Gary Palima Armie Palima OWNER Alice Saqui CASHIER Mark Villegas Salesman 2. 4 ORGANIZATIONAL FUNCTIONS 1. Manager * updates the records of the products * responsible for the entire paint products and ot her painting materials retailing and wholesaling business * in charge of annual inventory 2. Cashier * responsible for the monetary transactions * updates the transaction records in charge of receiving phone call orders from the customer 3. Sales Man * in charge of delivering the products to the customers * receives payment from the customers where the products were delivered 2. 3 SUPPLIERS * Davies Paints Philippines Inc. 1887 Mercedes Ave. , San Miguel Pasig City * Asian Coatings Philippines Inc. 48 Amang Ave. , Santolan Pasig City * Super Globe Inc. 08 Luis Street, Barangay San Miguel, Pasig City III. CURRENT SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION 3. 1 USER OVERVIEW OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM The existing system of Graph Image Paint Center is a manual sales and inventory transaction process.The process has its simple listing of transactions and issuing of receipts. Everything is manually operated. Their inventory is being checked every end of accounting period or in a Periodic basis. However, the syst em cannot easily search for a particular product if they wish to see the quantity available. Sales report is unsecured and not presentably recorded. All their products are just listed in and compiled in a clear book. If the records are lost, there is no backup storage that will recover their transactions. 3. 2 EXISTING FLOW PROCESS DIAGRAM STARTCustomer Order Yes Another Order? No Sell the Product? Cancel Order No Yes Prepare the Product B Payment from customer Another Order? No Yes Copy Information to Record Book All Payments Recorded? A No Customer Transaction Continuation D A Yes End of the Day? Daily Sales Report Compute for Daily Total Sales No D Yes End of the Week? Weekly Sales Report Compute for Weekly Total Sales D No Yes End of the Month? Monthly Sales Report Compute for Monthly Total Sales B D No END The start of the existing flow process transaction is from the selling of the product.There is a decision box that indicates the cancel order and preparation of the product. If there is another order then the transaction is back to the customer’s order. If no, then the customers pay and the information are copied in the information record book. Then another decision box will ask if all the payments are recorded. If no, then it is back to copying information to record book. Then the information is saved at the customer’s transaction. If yes, there are decision boxes that will ask if what mode of report view will be, if it is daily, weekly and monthly. If es, the cashier will compute for the daily total sales. Then daily sales report will be generated and ends the process. 3. 3 EXISTING CONTEXT DIAGRAM CUSTOMER Defective Payment Product Product Receipt New Replaced Inquiry of Order Product Customer’s Profile SALES AND INVENTORY DeliveryReceipt Manual Sales and Inventory Report Shipment Purchase Manager SUPPLIERS Order Payment The figure shows the existing Context Diagram of Graphic Image Paint Center that focuses on their sales and i nventory system. The researcher’s chose that aspect because of the manual operating and checking of their sales and inventory. All of the records and information about their business are ecorded in an excel sheet and record books. The context diagram shows how their business flows between customers, suppliers and the owner. The transactions are made personally like shipping of the products, payment, reports, and customer orders and inquiry. 3. 4 EXISTING TOP-LEVEL DIAGRAM SALES Checking of products availability INVENTORY MANAGEMENT Order Point Payment Deliver Issue finalproducts bill & receipts Customer Shipment of Products Payment SUPPLIER Purchase Order The figure shows the existing Top Level diagram of Graphic Image Paint Center that focuses on sales and inventory system.Payment and ordering of products are done personally. Checking of product availability is done manually through physical counting that links the sales and inventory management. IV. ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS Th e existing system has shown that the un-automated sales and inventory structure hinders the fast and smooth flow of sales and inventory reports. It also indicates that the transactions are time consuming and are written in a record book which are unsecured and can be lost. The store is currently managing their inventories in a periodic way in which it is being checked at the end of each accounting period in a quarterly manner. . 1 SYSTEMS COMPONENTS FOR IMPROVEMENT The researchers have managed to improve the system by installing an automated sales and inventory system that will cater to the needs of the store to be able for them to handle inventory management at ease. The proposed system is made through Microsoft Access which is easy to operate and user friendly. In the proposed system, the inventory checking is being done through perpetual way that updates inventory accounts after each purchase or sale. V. SYSTEM DESIGN 5. 1 OVERVIEW OF PROPOSED SYSTEM The proposed system will prov ide the needs of Graph Image Paint Center.The system has initial customer profile that needs to save the customer’s name in order to save the transaction. The system now looks for the product that is being asked then the item will be shown with unit and price. The system can search and add another product if the customer wishes to buy one or more products at the store. Then the total amount is shown with the number of units bought by the customer. Receipt is issued with the total amount of products purchased. The cashier now will be able to generate sales report based on the order transactions and inventory updates. 5. PROPOSED FLOW PROCESS DIAGRAM: STORE INVENTORY START PRODUCTS B A SUFFICIENT STOCKS ADD PRODUCTTS NO NO ADD PRODUCT TO ORDER LIST SEARCH PRODUCT YES YES ALL STOCKS CHECKED NO ADD NEW PRODUCTS A YES ADD AGAIN YES CHECK ORDER SLIP /LIST NO B PRINT ORDER SLIP/LIST GENERATE REPORTS END The start of the proposed flow process diagram of store inventory is from the da ta of the products then a decision box for adding a product. If no, then search a product then search a product. again, a decision box for â€Å"sufficient stocks†. if no, then add product to order list. If yes then a decision box for â€Å"all stocks checked†. f no, then it will go back again at the search product. If yes, then it will show the checked order slip list. Then goes to print order slip/list. Then it will generate reports. After generating reports, that will be the end of the process. PROPOSED FLOW PROCESS DIAGRAM Sales START Z Start order transaction Yes A No Generate reports? Yes B No Customer Module? C Yes No END A Enter Product Name to Search Engine Cancel Transaction Yes No Yes No Yes Customer Order Z Continuation D Another Order? Found Product? Another Order? No Payment for the Ordered Product Calculate the Total AmountReceipt and Change Sales Record D CONTINUATION: B Sales Record E Daily Sales Report Daily Sales Report? Yes Create daily sales report Sales Record E No Weekly Sales Report Weekly Sales Report? Yes Create weekly transaction report No Sales Record E Monthly Sales Report? Monthly Sales Report Yes Create weekly transaction report No Z E C Z No Yes Add another Customer? Customer’s Contact No. Customer’s Address Customer’s Name CONTINUATION: Customer Record 5. 2 PROPOSED CONTEXT DIAGRAM CUSTOMER Product Payment Receipt New Replaced Product Defective ProductInquiry ofProduct SALES AND INVENTORY Customer’s Profile Delivery Receipt Copy of Automated Shipment Purchase Sales and Inventory SUPPLIERS Order Reports MANAGER Payment Purchase Order The figure shows the proposed context diagram of Graphic Image Paint Center. The proponents chose to improve the sales and inventory management for proper and safe recording of information and data with ease and effectiveness. The proposed system consists of automated sales and inventory reports and customer’s profile and transactions recording. 5. PR OPOSED TOP-LEVEL DIAGRAM SALES Automated checking of products availability INVENTORY MANAGEMENT Order Point payment Deliver Issue finalproducts Customer bills and receipts Shipment of Products Payment SUPPLIER Purchase Order The figure shows the proposed Top Level Diagram of Graphic Image Paint center that focuses on automation of sales and inventory management. The checking of the availability of the products are done automatically using a inventory system design software for easy tracking of products. 5. 4 LAYOUT DESIGN Fig. 5. 4. 1 Sales TransactionThe sales transaction is composed of customer’s name, the search engine for product category, product number, product, price, quantity, amount, total price purchased and the output transaction. The system has the â€Å"Add to Cart† command for additional product purchases. The â€Å"Add Quantity† is a command for adding the unit of the product. There is also the â€Å"Buy† and â€Å"Remove† selection in which the user can easily remove and approve the products that will not be purchased and will be acquired. There is also the â€Å"Previous Transactions† selection for easy tracking of customer’s transaction.Fig. 5. 4. 2 Payment The payment area of the system shows the total amount purchased, amount tendered, and the change is being calculated for faster computation. The â€Å"Purchase† command serves as the finish button transaction. Fig. 5. 4. 3 Daily Report of Sales The daily report part of the system shows the 24 hour transaction made. The date is being displayed as selected in â€Å"Display Report† command. The transaction number, product purchased, product price, quantity, total price and date purchased are displayed. The total profit Fig. 5. 4. 4 Weekly ReportThe weekly report part of the system is almost the same with the daily report display; the difference is it is viewed weekly from the chosen date to a specified date with 7 days range. Fig. 5. 4. 5 Monthly Report The monthly report of the system shows the monthly transaction of Graph Image Paint Center and has the same features with daily and weekly report system. Fig. 5. 4. 6 Inventory Record The inventory record system serves as the product storage management in which it shows the quantity available in the store. The critical quantity is included in order to monitor the order point of the store.The price of all the products is also shown. The â€Å"+† command indicates the adding of another product when there is a new product to be stored. The â€Å"X† indicates the removal of the product. The â€Å"paper and pen† box is a command that edits the product name and product number. Fig. 5. 4. 7 Customer’s Profile The Customer’s Info area indicates the customer’s name, customer’s address, and customer’s ID and contact number. The â€Å"X† it the edit command which manages the customer’s information. 5. 5 PROPOSED SYSTEM DATA DICTIONARY: Table 5. 5. 1: Sales Information Proposed System Data Dictionary| *Sales Information|Data Element Name| Type | Length| Valid Entries| Sample Data| | | | | | Customer_Name| Alpha-numeric| 30| any character (A-Z,0-9)| Juan dela Cruz|   |   |   |   | Juana Miller| Category| Alpha-numeric| 16| any character (A-Z,0-9)| Gloss Latex|   |   |   |   | Enamel| Product_Number| Numeric| 10| any number (0-9)| 1005| |   |   |   | 206| Product_Name| Alpha-numeric| 20| any character (A-Z,0-9)| Nation-Gallons|   |   |   |   | Davies-1/4 Liter| Price_per_Case| Currency| 12| Php| Php2,045. 00| |   |   |   | Php610. 00| Quantity| Numeric| 10| Php| 12| |   |   |   | 5| Total_Price| Currency| 12| Php| Php1,128. 00| |   |   |   | Php15,600. 0| The Table shows the Proposed System Data Dictionary of the Graph Image Paint Center, This consists of the Sales Information of the Retail Store. Data Element, Type, Length, Valid Ent ries and Sample Data. Data Element involves the names, category, number, quantity and price of the product that the Retail Store has. Table 5. 5. 2: Daily/Weekly/Monthly Report (Transactions) Proposed System Data Dictionary| *Daily/Weekly/Monthly Report (Transactions)| Data Element Name| Type | Length| Valid Entries| Sample Data| | | | | | Transaction_Date| Alpha-numeric| 13| Valid Dates| 20130101|   |   |   |   | 1-Jan-13|Transaction_Number| Numeric| 5| any number (0-9)| 32| |   |   |   | 15| Product_Name| Alpha-numeric| 20| any character (A-Z,0-9)| Nation-Gallons|   |   |   |   | Davies-1/4 Liter| Product_Price| Currency| 12| Php| Php2,045. 00| |   |   |   | Php610. 00| Quantity| Numeric| 10| any number (0-9)| 12| |   |   |   | 5| Total_Price| Currency| 12| Php| Php1,128. 00| |   |   |   | Php15,600. 00| Total_Sales| Currency| 12| Php| Php18,900. 00| |   |   |   | Php6,700. 00| The Daily/Weekly/Monthly Report Transactions of the Retail Store which is the Graph Image Paint Center is discussed in the table and also the proposed systems dictionary.The same concept is shown in the table. With Data Element, Type, Length, Valid Entries and Sample Data are the one being discussed. This Table gives summarization for the store to have easy and productive results. Table 5. 5. 3: Payment Information Proposed System Data Dictionary| *Payment Information| Data Element Name| Type | Length| Valid Entries| Sample Data| | | | | | Total_Due| Currency| 12| Php| Php6,500. 00| |   |   |   | Php15,250. 00| Amount_Tendered| Currency| 12| Php| Php7,000. 00| |   |   |   | Php15,500. 00| Change| Currency| 12| Php| Php500. 00| |   |   |   | Php250. 00|The Payment Information of the retail store, Graph Image Paint Center is given in the table shown below, this has the same content because this is a Proposed System Data Dictionary, This table discussed the Total Due, Amount Tendered and Change of the store. Table 5. 5. 4: C ustomer’s Profile Proposed System Data Dictionary| *Customer's Profile| Data Element Name| Type | Length| Valid Entries| Sample Data| | | | | | Customer's_ID| Numeric| 12| any number (0-9)| 23| |   |   |   | 32| Customer's_Name| Alpha_Numeric| 12| any character (A-Z,0-9)| Ana Gonzales|   |   |   |   | Juan dela Cruz|Customer's_Address| Alpha_Numeric| 12| Php| Lagundi, MorongRizal|   | |   |   | Pandacan, Manila| Contact_Number| Numeric| 15| any number (0-9)| 2345678|   |   |   |   | 9108766543| The Table shows the Customer’s Profile Proposed System Data Dictionary of Graph Image Paint Center. The Data Element Name shows the information about the customer, it discussed the names, contact numbers, customer’s ID and address. Table 5. 5. 5: Inventory Information Proposed System Data Dictionary| *Inventory Information| Data Element Name| Type | Length| Valid Entries| Sample Data| | | | | |Product_Number| Numeric| 10| any number (0-9)| 1005 | |   |   |   | 206| Product_Name| Alpha-numeric| 20| any character (A-Z,0-9)| Nation-Gallons|   |   |   |   | Davies-1/4 Liter| Quantity| Numeric| 10| any number (0-9)| 12| |   |   |   | 5| Critical_Quantity| Numeric| 10| any number (0-9)| 200|   |   |   |   | 150| Product_Price| Currency| 12| Php| Php2,045. 00| |   |   |   | Php610. 00| The proposed System Data Dictionary of an Inventory information is shown in the table and the data element name discussed all about the paint products of the retail store, which are the item number, name and quantity. . 6 PROPOSED SYSTEM SPECIFICATION The proposed system is being operated through Microsoft Access. Microsoft Access, also known as  Microsoft Office Access, is a  database management system  from  Microsoft  that combines the relational  Microsoft Jet Database Engine  with a  graphical user interface  and software-development tools. Microsoft Access stores data in its own format based on the Access Jet Database Engine. It can also import or link directly to  data  stored in other applications and databases.The proposed system is a combination of sales and inventory which are linked to one another to easily monitor transactions and manage products. 5. 6. 1 MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Operating System: Windows XP or higher Processor: Pentium IV or higher Memory: 1 gb RAM Video Card: 256 mb Application Needed: Microsoft Access VI. CONCLUSION Therefore, the proposed sales and inventory system for Graph Image Paint Center is fast and reliable. They can manage inventory in automated way which will lessen the hassle of recording it manually. It may help the user to easily search for a particular transaction for later viewing of reports.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Compare and Contrast between Arranged Marriage and Love Marriage Essay

Comparison and Contrast between Arranged Marriage and Love Marriage It is believed that marriages are made in heaven. It might be true while in reality the couples who are married are either in love with one another or the marriages are finalized or arranged by their family members. Debate about whether love marriage or arranged marriage is better is never ending as both sides have their experience and testimony to support the system which suits them. The purpose of this passage is to compare the arranged marriage with love marriage from the aspect of mutual understanding and love; and contrast the two types of marriages from the aspects of differences in expectations and mutual attitudes after the wedding, different reactions from the family. We should be aware that modern arranged marriage isn’t equal to forced marriage. Today parents are more realistic and becoming broad minded enough to accept the choice of their kids in marriage. Arranged marriages are also successful when the parents don’t force their children to marry whom they don’t want to and when the parents support and help their children to find their respective spouses as per their desires and likings. It is definitely wonderful when children are given the right to take a decision themselves on their marriage and also there should be proper arrangements for the first time—this is also called a period of courtship when both of them decide to date and decide to get married. Therefore, love can also be generated between the arranged ones during this period. Since it is true love, it has nothing to do with time. Whether it is a love or arranged wedding, it should be based on love, empathy, responsibility, concern, and commitment. The similarity also exists in the life after the wedding. It calls for a lot of dedication and efforts to carry on the relation. And to support and live happily with each other, both of them need patience, perseverance, and mutual affection and care. Despite the similarities, there are also some obvious differences. The first difference appears in the different expectations and mutual attitudes after the wedding. In the case of arranged marriages, the first few years are spent to know and understand much more deeply about each other’s likes and dislikes. The thrill and excitement of knowing each other, always keeps the couple motivated and positive towards each other. Whereas in the case of love marriages, the bride and the groom have already gotten along with each other for a long time and there are no more space left for the interest or curiosity of knowing more about each other. In the case of arranged marriages, even a small deed of care and forgiveness, leads to the strengthening of the marriage as a bond and the feeling of adjustment and compromise is more compared to the love marriages. While in love ones, the bride and the groom are always in a situation to compromise and the feelings may be no longer fresh and there are a lot of expectations from the life partner, which when left unfulfilled, will lead to quarrels and misunderstandings. For instance, sometimes discords may arise between couples having love marriages. It has come to the fore that after spending a long time together, many couples in love marriages are found to be repenting on their decisions. They find it hard to keep up the nuptial life and at last break the bond to get free. That is why it is reported that the divorce rate for arranged marriages in the traditional countries is much lower than those in the United States, where marriages out of love rule. Moreover, arranged marriages enjoy a clear edge over the love ones also because most parents think that only they are competent in finding the most suitable match for their beloved sons or daughters. Marriage is not just two people coming together but two families uniting to bring two souls together in holy matrimony. In arranged marriages the family or the matchmaker first scrutinizes the possible brides, their family and background and leaves the final decision with the groom or vice versa. The whole family support the matrimony during high and low times. They see to it that the couple is happy with one another at all times. Minor misunderstandings are cleared by advice from seniors who act as relationship managers and marriage councilors. With such an expert team around the couple thrive joyously. Contrarily in arranged marriages, there is a lot of pressure on the couples to meet parental expectations. Apart from the fact that couples in love have to face the challenges of the community and pacify their family members to accept the partner chosen by them, they have to make great efforts if they found their characteristics and family values didn’t fit into the new family. There can also be disputes emerging frequently in love marriages such as producing offspring, taking participation in family rituals, developing great rapport with sisters-in-laws, contributing to family expenses, and so on. As for myself, I’m kind of neutral. Being a girl with unpredictable future, I don’t think I have to depend on my family to find my life-long partner for me. But I do think an arranged marriage isn’t a bad choice when I’m at the marriage age without finding my Mr. Right. At that time an arranged marriage is undoubtedly a choice to widen my social circle as well as introduce me more people and to make both my parents and I happy. In conclusion, arranged marriage and love marriage are different when it comes to the mutual expectations and attitudes as well as family reactions. However, they also share similarities in the vital existence of love and understanding. We should remember that love is a vital element in a marriage, no matter what type or form we follow. It should happen and then bliss will subsequently follow.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Child Development Not Following Expected Pattern

UNDERSTAND CHILD AND YOUNG PERSONS DEVELOPMENT Unit 022 Outcome 3 Understand how to monitor children and young people’s development and interventions that should take place if this is not following the expected pattern 2 Explain the reasons why children and young people’s development may not follow the expected pattern There are many reasons and factors why a child is not following the expected pattern of development. For example the child may be emotionally unsettled due to a number of reasons. Family life plays a significant part in a child’s development.If for instance the child is living with parents who constantly argue and fight this will have an effect on the child and cause stress. Also if the child is from a one parent family there may be difficulties as a parent trying to juggle everything on their own may not have as much time to spend nurturing and boosting a child’s development. The child may be at a disadvantage environmentally due to poor ho using or area in which they live. If a house is poorly heated the child may experience bad health due to dampness. Or the child may be living in cramp conditions and unable to play and explore so easily.Not so well off families may be living in poorer areas with little access to amenities which can cause stress to parents which will affect the child’s development. Some children have a poor diet and this can affect their growth and thus affect the physical side of development. There have been many studies on diet and its effects and results have shown that a child who has a nutritious and healthy diet achieves more in life. It is difficult for a family on a low income to promote a healthy diet for their child and thus can result in poorer health and physical issues.Also some children’s genetic code may affect the pattern in which they develop. This could mean that they are slower to develop but no reason is found. There are also cultural issues that may affect a childâ €™s development. Families differ from one to another and the way a child is brought up will also differ from one to another. What one family may deem to be ok another would disagree. For example one family may allow their child more freedom and let them play outside in the street whereas another would keep the child in the confines of the garden only.This is also true in the case of an older child for instance a teenager. One may be allowed the independence and freedom of coming in late and another is not. All these decisions made by parents and carers can affect their child’s development. A child may be prevented from developing by a disability. This may also affect the child in several areas of development. A child with a physical disability may not have much movement and will be unable to join in with outdoor games and sports.However with the right support and equipment the child will be able to participate so early intervention is vital for the child’s physical and emotional wellbeing. 2 There are many reasons why a child may have learning difficulties. The child may have had difficulties at birth or the problems may be genetic. Having a learning difficulty will affect development in a child. The child may need one to one help with reading, writing and arithmetic and support with other activities. Such children may find it hard to interact with other children and may also develop low self-esteem as they struggle academically.The level of a child’s communication skills can have an effect on most areas of development. If a child is struggling with communication and language they may get upset easily and start behaving negatively. This will cause the child to get frustrated and unable to complete tasks set for them. Lack of concentration in certain activities may be a problem too leaving the child unable to take in the information needed to finish the school work. For the child to read and write good communication skills are also need ed.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Manchester United Economic Impact

c Impact Manchester United’s Economic Impact By Dalton Truax For Mike Pearson Sports Marketing & Management 28 February 2013 Introduction Manchester United is the most valuable sports club to exist so surely the club must make the city a lot of money every year, right? Soccer is the most popular sport in the world, and the most popular soccer club in the world is Manchester United. There is no denial that Manchester United has had a huge cultural impact as well as made many social contributions to its locale, but what about the team’s economic impact?Manchester United has influenced the local and regional economy in many ways, with most of them being exclusively positive. Some of the ways the club has influenced the local and regional economy are through networking, the economic impact of the supporters, employment, real estate, multiplier effects, and marketing of the city. Networks, Suppliers, Supporters I will first focus on Manchester United’s economic impact through networking, suppliers, and attracted supporters. First and foremost, there is most definitely an economic impact as a result of networking and suppliers.Penn’s model illustrates how a soccer club can play a role in regional development, using three possible network types. [1] In the first model (Figure 1), the club operates as an isolated business. The development effect is limited to the income that is spent again in the local economy, the income multiplier. The second model (Figure 2) embodies the situation in which the club has relations with other local companies like suppliers, subcontractors, and others, where the club is the heart of the economical development. Read also Twitter Case StudyThe given companies depend very much on the club. The last model (Figure 3) describes a network that does not exclusively depend on the soccer club. This is the case with the sponsor and merchandising network of Manchester United. Although the sponsor and merchandising networks are mostly situated on a national level, some of these companies can have an impact on the local scale. [2] Figure 1 [pic] Figure 2 [pic] Figure 3[pic] Manchester United has a worldwide fan base. There are supporters clubs all over the world because of their popularity.Supporters have an economical impact on the regional and local economy because of what they spend on transport, drinks, food, etc. A study on Manchester United supporters shows us that a supporter spends an average of $25 on drinks, food, and other products per match. [3] If the supporters are from outside the region, they bring in money to the local economy. We have to take into account that the soccer related expens es by local supporters are not an extra input for the local economy. A very limited number of seats are reserved for the supporters of the opposing team. 0% of the supporters are local, 40% are from the northwest region outside of the local community, and from outside the regional community are another 30%. [4] This means that a total of 70% of the supporters can generate a positive economic impact for the local economy, and 30% can do this for the regional economy. There were 68,187 seats in Old Trafford in 2010 and around 40 matches a year. This results in a yearly net income of $4,221,560,700. On a regional scale, this results in $18,092,403,000 every year. 5] These supporters’ expenditures end up especially in the hands of the hotel and catering industry in the immediate area around the stadium. Hotels are almost always full on the day of games. The direct employment by the club also has an economical impact, which is magnified by the income multiplier. The players may al so influence the real estate market quite a bit; players often invest in residential developments and other real estate operations. It is assumed that the presence of soccer players in a neighborhood can add to the attraction of that neighborhood.Some real estate agencies even try to attract soccer players to luxurious neighborhoods just so that they can attract other wealthy people. [6] National Image Because of globalization, cities and regions worldwide have entered into a struggle for investment, tourism, and development. Marketing of the city is a very important tool when it comes to this. The question is which role sports, and more specifically soccer clubs like Manchester United, can play here. Entertainment is playing a bigger and bigger role in society as the years go by. So, how does the government view Manchester United in this matter?The government acknowledges the important role Manchester United plays as a catalyst for marketing of the city. They regard Manchester Unit ed mainly as a publicity channel for the region to attempt to attract tourists, as well as companies to the region. Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council also uses the presence of Manchester United to further develop the area around the club. They have a long-term vision for the development of Old Trafford, the team’s historic stadium. The role of Manchester United in attracting businesses is very significant.The club can attract businesses itself but can only do this for businesses that benefit from the actual matches taking place, such as pubs and hotels. On the other hand, the club functions as a publicity channel for the region. It draws attention, and is always a good way to start a conversation. In this way, the club has indirectly made a large contribution to bring businesses and investments to the region. The brand name is known all over the world and puts Manchester on the map. Therefore it is of extreme importance that the club keeps a positive image and identity fo r the city.Conclusion We can conclude that Manchester United does not only have a cultural importance, but that they can also make an economical contribution by networking, the impact of supporters on surrounding businesses, and the role they might play in marketing for the city and regional development. The economic impact of Manchester United is vast and in many ways cannot even be described in numbers. ———————– [1]https://aow. kuleuven. be/geografie/toekomstigestudenten/onderzoek/vandenbroucke/fig1b_penn_model. gif [2]http://aow. kuleuven. e/geografie/toekomstigestudenten/onderzoek/vandenbroucke/index. html [3]http://www. foxbusiness. com/personal-finance/2011/12/20/5-pricey-nfl-stadiums-that-will-sack-your-wallet/ [4]http://www. telegraph. co. uk/sport/football/competitions/premier-league/9795377/Twitter-map-finally-reveals-exactly-where-Manchester-United-fans-live. html [5]http://www. bloomberg. com/news/2012-02-21/manches ter-united-quarterly-profit-rises-31-on-finance-costs-sponsors. html [6]http://lifestyle. ezinemark. com/luxurious-houses-of-premier-league-players-773659074564. html